Clean the Dermalogica Way

It seems that taking care of your skin has become increasingly complicated these days thanks to the endless products on the market and advice coming from the media. From basic care to expensive salon products and visits, it is easy to get confused about just what you need to do to keep …

Combat oily skin with Dermalogica

Are you fed up of having a shiny face in photographs and sick of your make-up being smear by the end of the day? Whilst we need oil in our skin to keep it healthy and moistures, too much of it is a very common complaint and one that can be …

Are You Making These Five Mistake When Washing Your Face?

Washing your face seems like the simplest job in the world and something that anyone can do with a degree of success. However, there are actually a few things that you should try to avoid while washing your face, and they’re all a lot more common that you might think. …

Cleanse your way to healthy skin

Cleansing is an essential steps for clear, healthy beautiful skin and has to be done morning and night, however tired you are, for the best and consistent results. The thing is, there are so many schools of thought on beauty routines, and more and more products being launched to the market, …

5 Most Common Reasons for Split and Peeling Nails

There are many reasons for dry nails which crack and peel and although treating them will help, identifying the cause of the problem could help you to prevent them altogether. Here, we take a look at the five most common causes of split and peeling nails to help you to …